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The New Space Race

Space Race, Space Age, Computer Scientists, Computer Engineer, Blue Origin, Unity Spaceship, Falcon Heavy, Richard Branson, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos,

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong declared, “that’s one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind,” it signaled the end of the space race.
Eight years earlier, the United Soviet States of Russia had made cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin the first man in space.

Through that action, the United States realized they were losing the space race and had to up their efforts through that action.
John F. Kennedy, the US president at the time, challenged the US Congress to support America’s space effort.
The result of that challenge was Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong’s moon landing in 1969.

Over five decades later, there is a new space race on. But, this time around, it is being championed by private industry rather than governments.
In 2018, Elon Musk used the Tesla Roadster as the payload for his Falcon Heavy space test flight.

Fast forward to 2021, and first, Richard Branson led the first privately owned spacecraft in space. His Unity 22 spaceship went 100KM skywards.
Less than two weeks later, Jeff Bezos and his Blue Origin spacecraft went as high as 187KM into space.

A common thread between the earlier space race and the new space race is the involvement of computer scientists.
From hardware engineers to software engineers, programmers, developers, and others.

In more modern times, as the information technology industry evolved, more computer engineers got involved, and even more are expected to come on board.
From artificial intelligence to machine learning specialists, cybersecurity, and even blockchain specialists.

Computers have changed the way the world operates. It has inevitably changed how space science progresses. And it will still change it some more.
Augmented and virtual reality is being used to train astronauts. They are also being used to help people experience space.

The career prospect of someone in one of the computer sciences is only going to get better.
The more private companies get into the space race, the more computer scientists they will require.

Considering the cost of a space flight and that lives are at stake on every manned flight, only the best of the best in each field get recruited by space companies.
If you desire to get one of these highly sought-after jobs, you need to prepare yourself for the role adequately.

Zart Academy is training the next batch of computer scientists to impact the world.
For our first class resuming in October 2021, we will be training in full-stack JavaScript development and cybersecurity.

With six months of concise, intense, and practical hands-on training, our students will be graduating with all the knowledge they need to excel on the job.
The training program is free, with feeding and accommodation provided to ensure our students can concentrate on learning.

More details can be gotten by visiting
You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter for more information.
Remember to share this with young people you know are desiring and deserving of this opportunity.


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