As an NGO looking to create maximum impact, Zart Talent Foundation aligned itself with nine out of the seventeen United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. For those unaware, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a product of the most extensive and inclusive research and negotiations in the history of humanity.
Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals as they are also known are seventeen interlinked objectives, serving as a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.” Zart Talent Foundation, meanwhile is an organization with a vision to create a JUST world, where everyone is stronger together. Therefore, it is understandable why we choose to work with the SDGs that best bring our vision and objectives to life.
The nine goals we have chosen to align with are Goal 1 – No Poverty, Goal 3 – Good Health and Wellbeing, Goal 4 – Quality Education, Goal 5 – Gender Equality, Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 9 – Innovation and Infrastructure, Goal 10 – Reduced Inequality, Goal 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production, and Goal 17 – Partnership For The Goals.
Cross borders and across continents, every action we take at Zart Talent will directly impact people in one or more of the ways listed above. Putting it all together, we believe that successfully accomplishing them would result in a just, equitable, and happier world.
Our approach is, first of all, to provide quality, practical tech education to underserved and underrepresented communities across the world, meaning we are helping to reduce inequality as referenced in Goal 10. It will also meet Goal 4 of the SDG goal, which is Quality Education.
We would equip our students with high-quality computers and access to the internet to learn, practice, and eventually work with to actualize this. This is in accordance with Goal 9, Innovation and Infrastructure. There is also the fact that exposing students to high-quality education opens their imagination and potentials to new possibilities, allowing them to ideate, dream up, and create innovative solutions to existing problems.
70% of admission positions into our academy have been reserved for females. This is to encourage female participation in tech. It is also our contribution towards achieving Goal 5, Gender Equality. We strongly believe in the power of the girl child, and we are backing our belief with action. We hope to be proven right.
Graduates from our academy will be provided with the opportunity to work with companies around the world. Those with bright, innovative, and marketable ideas will be encouraged to partner and set up their startups. They will be coached, mentored, funded, and given all necessary support to grow their idea into a successful business. This will be a fulfillment of Goal 8, Decent Work and Economic Growth.
In all of this, participants will be adequately insured, and quality healthcare will be provided for them. Graduates will also earn enough to access quality healthcare for themselves and their families, thereby helping to fulfill Goal 3 of the SDGs, Good Health and Wellbeing.
All of this is at no upfront cost to the students, meaning their current economic situation will not hinder them from accessing this opportunity, giving them a means out of poverty, bringing Goal 1, No Poverty, to realization. Our conservative estimation is that our approach will bring as much as 1,053 people out of poverty in six years.
At Zart Talent, we go the extra mile to ensure every item, equipment, or service employed is sourced in an ethical and environment-friendly manner. This is our contribution towards Goal 12, Responsible Consumption and Production. As the science of sustainable production and strides are made in eco-friendly technology, we will be at the forefront of embracing them and advocating for our students to adopt them and contribute towards such innovations.
All support in actualizing these goals is welcomed. We are open to partnerships and collaborations that will help us do more, even more than we originally aspired to. We believe in Goal 17, Partnership For The Goals, and we hope to encourage more individuals and organizations to join in this partnership.
We look forward to working with you. Every little and big support brings us one step closer to a just world where everyone is stronger together.