Data Protection, A Myth? × Keep Up With Tech

Data Protection, Zarttech, Zart Cyber, Zart Academy, Cybersecurity, Hackers, Data breach, NITDA, National Information Technology Development Agency, Privacy,

Data protection worldwide has become a massive challenge as we can see from almost daily reports of data breaches. These breaches allow hackers to steal customers’ sensitive information, which is in turn sold on the darknet. 

Fingerprints And Cybersecurity × Keep Up With Tech

Fingerprint, Cybersecurity, Zart Cyber, Zart Academy, Security, Cyberspace, Information Technology, Cyberwarfare, Law enforcement, Technology,

Zart Cyber is currently providing top-notch cybersecurity services to companies around the globe. Their services include quick scan, extended scan, Security Education Training & Awareness (SETA), penetration testing & vulnerability assessment, third-party risk assessment, cloud security assessment, and others.
The protection of you, your assets, and your intellectual properties is our utmost priority.