Zart Talent – An Origin Story

Zart Talent, Zarttech, Zart Recruit, Zart Hub, Tech Industry, Tech Education, Free Training, Tech Jobs, Nelson TA, Origin Story,

Zart Talent is currently present in Nigeria, the Netherlands, and Nicaragua with partners like ISEF, Donna Knows, Wajenzi, Nicaragua-Verein Oldenburg, Gladiator Academy, and others.

Data Protection, A Myth? × Keep Up With Tech

Data Protection, Zarttech, Zart Cyber, Zart Academy, Cybersecurity, Hackers, Data breach, NITDA, National Information Technology Development Agency, Privacy,

Data protection worldwide has become a massive challenge as we can see from almost daily reports of data breaches. These breaches allow hackers to steal customers’ sensitive information, which is in turn sold on the darknet.